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¿What is Wendler Glotoplasty?

The Wendler Glottoplasty is a surgical procedure used to feminize the voice. It is used primarily in transgender or cisgender women who have a masculine voice. The surgery involves shortening and thinning the vocal cords so that they can produce higher-pitched sounds. The advantage is that it is performed through the mouth, leaving no external scars. The surgery lasts about 1.5 hours. During the same surgical time, the Adam’s Apple reduction procedure can also be performed.

Step by step


Normal vocal cords


Decortication of the anterior third of the cord on its internal face, leaving two bloody areas.


Preparation of the first suture to approximate the raw surfaces of the vocal cords.


Preparation of the second suture


Vaporization of your upper surfaces of the vocal folds.


Final view of the vocal cords.

Post surgical

Post Quirúrgicos

After the surgery, the voice must be completely rested for two weeks. After this time we start online voice therapy with our specialist Dra. Rocio Cuello. The changes in your voice will gradually set in, with a definitive voice expected at the 4 to 6 month mark. During the first 2 months, the patient must carry out a healthy lifestyle and follow a recommended diet. If you want to undergo another procedure or surgery that requires general anesthesia or intubation, you must wait 3 months.

Request a free consultation

Want to find out if you are a good candidate for surgery? Request your free consultation with Doctor Ballestas.